“Around half of American households have no retirement accounts at all. No 401(k)s, no IRAs, nothing. You might think that’s because they’re all expecting pension income in retirement. In fact, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), around 29% of households age 55 and older have neither retirement savings nor a pension. It doesn’t paint a pretty picture.”¹

¹Josephson, A. (2018). Average Retirement Savings: Are You Normal? – SmartAsset. [online] SmartAsset. Available at: https://smartasset.com/retirement/average-retirement-savings-are-you-normal

No plan yet?  Don’t worry, it isn’t too late.  Already have a retirement savings plan?  Even better, you have something to build on.

The question is, where is YOUR future invested?

2018 has been the most volatile year in the stock market since the economic crisis of 2009.  Are you holding your breath for the next crash?  The question isn’t if it will happen again, but when?

It was during the last crash that we lost all faith in the established institutions and took control of our destiny by investing in local real estate.  When it comes to your financial future, do you trust the politicians in Washington DC and the bankers, brokers, and mutual/hedge/pension fund managers on Wall Street?

The truth is, YOU are the one that must take control of YOUR financial future.  And thankfully, you have options.

If you are already investing in real estate but haven’t thought about using a retirement account… well now is always better than never.

Maybe you haven’t gotten in the game because you don’t want the headaches typically associated with rental houses and tenants but you don’t want to miss out on the wealth only provided by real estate…  check out the free report in the sidebar for 3 ways to passively invest in real estate.

The Self-Directed IRA for Real Estate

Probably the best retirement plan you can have is to invest in real estate using something called a Self-Directed IRA (or SEP, SIMPLE, 401k, Solo 401k, etc.).  A Self-Directed IRA is simple. It’s a retirement account that has the same tax benefits as a normal IRA… but, you have more flexibility in deciding what you want your IRA to be invested in.

This means if you use a Roth type of retirement account you can invest in the following and earn returns TAX FREE!  Yes, you read that correct.  

You can invest in…

  • Real Estate (commercial properties, single family rental houses, rehabs and flips, etc.)
  • Real Estate Option Contracts
  • Promissory Notes secured by a Deed of Trust or Mortgage (i.e. – private lending)
  • Business Entities (LLC’s, Corporations, Partnerships and Joint Ventures, etc)
  • Tax Lien Certificates
  • Some Precious Metals
  • … and if you still haven’t seen the light and made a clean break you can invest in the normal vehicles like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds

Self-Directed IRA Custodians

The US Government created the SD-IRA loophole to help investors take more control over their investments while at the same time still getting the tax benefits. But, they don’t want people setting up these SD-IRAs and just doing whatever they want.  So there is a barrier that they have to have in place… and that is the custodian.

The custodian is usually the Self-Directed IRA company who you have your IRA with. They act as the “go between” when you’re going to make an investment.

Specialized IRA Services is our preferred vendor, make sure to talk to Danielle.



No matter where you are in life, in age, in location, or in finances, the question you must ask yourself is this:

Am I going to do what I have been doing and hope for the best, or am I willing to TAKE ACTION NOW to follow the time tested path of securing my financial future with local real estate investments?

Still not sure… check out what Warren Buffett has to say about investing in single family houses over to the right.  Retirement may be closer than you think.

You know you cannot depend on Wall Street, Washington D.C., Investment Brokers, Fund Managers, or anyone else to provide for you and your family. There are a number of ways to use real estate investments to reach your financial goals and plan for a secure retirement.

Getting Off The Sidelines And Getting Your Money Working For You

If you have any questions on how you can work with us as an investor, just connect with us through our contact form or call us anytime at: (417) 592-9072.

  • We offer discount investment properties in Southwest Missouri and surrounding areas to investors who buy them to flip or keep as rentals.
  • Also, for those qualified investors who want to explore private lending… contact us and we’ll talk about how we can get you steady returns that are far more reliable than the stock market roller coaster.  Considering a Self Directed Roth IRA?  Read this, contact Specialized IRA Services and let us help you make money tax free.
  • Or, if you are interested in building your own real estate investment business but not sure where to start, we may be able to help with that too.
  • Already have a successful real estate investment business but want to take it to the next level?  Check out the Investor Fuel Mastermind™ link in the sidebar to see if it’s a good fit for your goals.

Why are we telling you all this?

The truth is we care about our friends and families, our neighbors and our neighborhoods, our community, our country, and our future.  And when we say “our” we mean YOU too!  Whatever you do, we sincerely hope you consider your financial future seriously and put it into your own hands.

Happy investing!  We are here as a resource for YOU, so don’t hesitate to connect with us anytime.